


在排查问题时,我们首先对系统进行了性能分析,发现系统在处理大量数据时,CPU 占用率明显增加,且系统响应时间变长。通过分析系统的日志,我们发现了大量的序列化操作,这些操作在处理二维数组时效率较低,导致了系统性能下降。


这里是今天的重点,不同的累加方式,效率差别巨大。历史代码中使用的是 + 运算符,这种方式会频繁的创建临时对象,效率很低。你知道它效率很差,但你不知道它效率有多差的那种。

demo 验证

基于项目代码,我们抽离业务逻辑,编写了一个简单的 demo,用于验证字符串拼接的效率问题。windows 下的 vs2022 编译器,linux 下的 gcc8.5 编译器,Release模式下编译运行,对比效率。



  1. 方法 1 (+= 拼接):直接通过 += 将每个字段拼接到字符串中。
  2. 方法 2 (std::ostringstream 拼接):使用流(std::ostringstream)来拼接每个字段,这种方法更高效,特别是对于大量数据拼接时。
  3. 方法 3(预分配内存的 += 拼接):通过 reserve 提前为字符串分配足够的内存,减少了内存重新分配的开销,从而提升了性能。
  4. 方法 4 (bodys = bodys + body + "\n"):每次拼接都创建一个新的临时字符串对象,这会导致性能下降,尤其是在大规模拼接时,因为每次拼接都会涉及一次新的内存分配和复制。


再进一步,我们来分析不同平台编译器的优化效率,微软的 visual studio 一如既往的优秀,针对字符串的优化效率很高,而 gcc 编译器在这方面的优化效率就差了一些。


windows 平台下的 vs2022 编译器

Data Generation Time: 0.054 seconds.

Data Merging Performance:
+ Data merging (+=) took: 0.053 seconds.
+ ostringstream Data merging took: 0.054 seconds.
+ Pre-reserved Data merging took: 0.045 seconds.
+ Data merging (bodys = bodys + body + "\n") took: 16.108 seconds.

Data Merging Complete.

Program finished.
linux 平台下的 gcc8.5 编译器
Data Generation Time: 0.108 seconds.

Data Merging Performance:
+ Data merging (+=) took: 0.100 seconds.
+ ostringstream Data merging took: 0.083 seconds.
+ Pre-reserved Data merging took: 0.057 seconds.
+ Data merging (bodys = bodys + body + "\n") took: 29.298 seconds.

Data Merging Complete.

Program finished.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <chrono>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>

typedef std::vector<std::string> DataRow;
typedef std::vector<DataRow> DataGroup;

struct ResponsePackage
    std::string ErrorInfo;
    DataRow Head;
    std::string ClientId;
    std::string UUID;
    std::string MsgID;
    std::string SessionID;
    std::string ExtraInfo1;
    std::string ExtraInfo2;
    DataGroup DataBody;

// Generate specified length of random string
std::string generateRandomString(size_t length)
    const char charset[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
    const size_t max_index = sizeof(charset) - 1;
    std::string random_string;

    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 generator(rd());
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(0, max_index);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
        random_string += charset[distribution(generator)];

    return random_string;

void create_large_string()
    // Example request package with 50 fields
    ResponsePackage requestPackage;

    requestPackage.Head = {
        "Field1", "Field2", "Field3", "Field4", "Field5",
        "Field6", "Field7", "Field8", "Field9", "Field10",
        "Field11", "Field12", "Field13", "Field14", "Field15",
        "Field16", "Field17", "Field18", "Field19", "Field20",
        "Field21", "Field22", "Field23", "Field24", "Field25",
        "Field26", "Field27", "Field28", "Field29", "Field30",
        "Field31", "Field32", "Field33", "Field34", "Field35",
        "Field36", "Field37", "Field38", "Field39", "Field40",
        "Field41", "Field42", "Field43", "Field44", "Field45",
        "Field46", "Field47", "Field48", "Field49", "Field50"

    requestPackage.ClientId = "ClientID";
    requestPackage.UUID = "UUID";
    requestPackage.MsgID = "MsgID";
    requestPackage.SessionID = "SessionID";
    requestPackage.ExtraInfo1 = "ExtraInfo1";
    requestPackage.ExtraInfo2 = "ExtraInfo2";

    // Start timing for data generation
    auto start_gen = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    // Generate 10,000 rows of data, each with 50 fields
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
        DataRow dataRow(50, "This is a test string");

    // End timing for data generation
    auto end_gen = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    std::chrono::duration<double> duration_gen = end_gen - start_gen;

    // Display result generation time
    std::cout << "\n----------------------------------------\n";
    std::cout << "Data Generation Time: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << duration_gen.count() << " seconds.\n";
    std::cout << "----------------------------------------\n";

    // Data merging using different methods
    std::cout << "\n----------------------------------------\n";
    std::cout << "Data Merging Performance:\n";
    std::cout << "----------------------------------------\n";

        // Method 1: Using '+=' string concatenation
        auto start_merge = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        std::string bodys("");
        for (auto& vec : requestPackage.DataBody)
            std::string body("This is a test string");
            for (auto& item : vec)
                body += item + " ";
            bodys += body + "\n";
        auto end_merge = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        std::chrono::duration<double> duration_merge = end_merge - start_merge;
        std::cout << "+ Data merging (+=) took: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << duration_merge.count() << " seconds.\n";

        // Method 2: Using ostringstream
        auto start_merge = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        std::ostringstream bodys;
        for (auto& vec : requestPackage.DataBody)
            std::ostringstream body;
            body << "This is a test string";
            for (auto& item : vec)
                body << item << " ";
            bodys << body.str() << "\n";
        auto end_merge = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        std::chrono::duration<double> duration_merge = end_merge - start_merge;
        std::cout << "+ ostringstream Data merging took: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << duration_merge.count() << " seconds.\n";

        // Method 3: Pre-allocated memory
        auto start_merge = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        std::string bodys;
        bodys.reserve(1000 * 50 * 20); // Pre-allocate enough memory
        for (auto& vec : requestPackage.DataBody)
            std::string body("This is a test string");
            body.reserve(50 * 20); // Pre-allocate memory for each row
            for (auto& item : vec)
                body += item + " ";
            bodys += body + "\n";
        auto end_merge = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        std::chrono::duration<double> duration_merge = end_merge - start_merge;
        std::cout << "+ Pre-reserved Data merging took: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << duration_merge.count() << " seconds.\n";

        // Method 4: Using 'bodys = bodys + body + "\n"'
        auto start_merge = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        std::string bodys("");
        for (auto& vec : requestPackage.DataBody)
            std::string body("This is a test string");
            for (auto& item : vec)
                body = body + item + " "; // Note the use of 'body = body + item'
            bodys = bodys + body + "\n"; // Again, using 'bodys = bodys + body'
        auto end_merge = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        std::chrono::duration<double> duration_merge = end_merge - start_merge;
        std::cout << "+ Data merging (bodys = bodys + body + \"\\n\") took: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << duration_merge.count() << " seconds.\n";

    std::cout << "\n----------------------------------------\n";
    std::cout << "Data Merging Complete.\n";
    std::cout << "----------------------------------------\n";

int main()
    catch (const std::exception& e)
        std::cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\nProgram finished.\n";
    return 0;
Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
最后更新于 2024年11月13日 20:38
使用 Hugo 构建
主题 StackJimmy 设计